Green Chemistry Campus at the EFIB
This month the Green Chemistry Campus was present at The European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Biobased Economy (EFIB) in Brussels.
World’s first biobased facade in Biobased Delta
The world's first biobased facade has been realized in Dinteloord, The Netherlands. Commissioned by the Tuinbouwontwikkelingsmaatschappij architect Marco Vermeulen designed the new gas receiving station (GOS) of the Agro & Food Cluster (AFC) New Prinsenland. The station is cladded with biobased panels made of Nabasco, a composite of bio resin and hemp fiber produced by NPSP Composites in Haarlem.
TNO builds mobile algae bio-refinery
Green Chemistry Campus partner TNO and algae cultivator “Algae Food and Fuel” will be building a mobile algae bio-refinery for use in a large number of spots where algae can be cultivated.
Large biobased cluster, from Leiden to Reims
Even though the biobased economy may incur a smaller scale of operations, there is room for cooperation in larger areas. The Biobased Delta may become a fine example of that.